Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Almost the end of football season

Man, what a season for ups and downs it has been for both Devin and Ryan's football teams. Ryan's went 5-3 and made the playoffs this weekend. Ryan's 5-6 Centennial team will face Molalla's undefeated 8-0 on Saturday. Devin's team on the other hand had many coaching or lack of issues this season and had a unfortunate season of 2-6. Though they didn't win many Devin had a good season as the lead running back and outside linebacker. In every game Devin would only come off the field in a extra point attempt or if he wsa injured. Or in reality, if he got hurt. He came out for a play and they'd through him right back into the next play. Not much rest for the poor kid but he wouldn't of had it any other way.

The only downside to the playoffs this weekend is that we were almost ready to buy tickets and fly back to watch the Green Narrows Race in North Carolina. The take-out is LiquidLogics base of operations!! Of course we planned on getting on the Green for our first times as well. I wouldn't miss Ryan's game to watch a race on the Green so there is always next year.

Good luck Ryan!!