Monday, April 21, 2008

Klamath and Scott River Pics

The kayaks getting strapped down onto the raft trailer for our trip down the Klamath. It was nice when we decided to use the trailer that brought all the kayaks to Ashland in the first place.
Devin and Robbie having a little fun boxing at the party Saturday night. All had a good time. As you can tell by all the smiles though Robbie did end up with a little shiner. Devin got the light gloves and Robbie had the thick padded ones. Probably a good idea with the way the night went.
Ty running a narrow line beteen the boulders after running the main line through a sticky hole Devin got worked in for a second or two in the playboat he was in on the Scott River..
Paul Guinea running the same line on the Scott River
Devin playing in a hole myself, Paul, Ty and Devin spent a fair amount of time in. Instead of racing we opted for a fun day on the water.