Thursday, July 17, 2008

Summer Vacation in the Hood

Here's a brief list of Devin's boating this week:

Sat 13: Farmies/Truss
Sun 14: L-Dub
Mon 15: Truss/MWS
Tue 16: Truss/L-Dub
Wed 17: Worked for me then went to the gym
Thu 18: Truss (two laps)
Fri 19: Truss (swims out of BZ Falls!!) 1st major swim too.
Sat 20: Truss (watched Gorge Games Extreme Race. Competed in BoaterX taking 1st in youth division)
Sun 21: Farmies/Truss

Poor life kid!? In the end 8 laps on the Truss, 2 laps on the Farmies and 2 laps on the L-Dub in 8 days.